Q1 2023 Quarterly Commentary
Highlights Quarter in review Asset class returns Portfolio Changes Quarter in review We entered the first quarter ...
Highlights Quarter in review Asset class returns Portfolio Changes Quarter in review We entered the first quarter ...
Highlights Quarter in review Dollar prospects Portfolio positioning Outlook Quarter in review 2022 ended with a late ...
Q3 2022 returns: Highlights Exploring the 70’s inflation Portfolio positioning Exploring the 70's inflation As we ...
Johannesburg-based Obsidian Capital, headed by Royce Long and Richard Simpson, has achieved a convincing track record with its hedge funds, which have materially ...
Mitchell Johnson’s ferocious left-arm fast was awesome to watch, and, we imagine, terrifying to face. On the right wicket his short ball could ...
Executive summary Asset allocation difficult amid divergent performance and uncertainty Gold well positioned to benefit under current conditions Everybody loves a good ...
Equity markets are often criticised for not paying attention to their underlying economies. Of course, they remain irritatingly aloof when chastised for doing so.
Executive summary How you say things is more important than what you say. Those that have researched the workings of the human ...
Executive summary The airline industry has been floored by Covid-19. Smaller aircraft to dominate the skies going forward. Of the two aircraft ...
We consult our previous commentary when putting quarterlies together. This helps to frame our current thinking, to see how our views have evolved...
Executive Summary You could make a fortune if you knew the trajectory of global growth. For instance, you can pretty much write ...
Risk on. There is no other way to summarise Q4 2019, particularly the latter moments. Developed market bonds sold off as investors went in search of risk